Here's my take on Reepicheep, the most valiant of all mice according to C.S. Lewis' Chronicle of Narnia series.
The verse, taken from the book The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, was sung to the mouse as a baby by a dryad.
Purists and other generally persnickety persons will note that the sail of the ship 'The Dawn Treader' is described as being purple while my version is decidedly more crimson. Seeing that this piece was done only for me, I didn't sweat the artistic license. I did try the purple first of course, but it seemed a bit much at the time.
Had this been a paying piece, I would have made sure that purple was worked in cohesively to the overall design and given it a more, shall we say - valiant effort!
I want to note that this drawing owes much to the wonderful work of Donn P. Crane, a fantastic illustrator from the 1920's. His drawings for the six volumes of the series 'The Book House' were treasured by me as a boy.
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